About Us
Using the many skills and talents of our creative family, a range of hearts to suit any occasion have been lovingly made for you to experience the joy of giving and receiving.
So why Hearts…………………
Put simply, hearts make us smile, inside and out.
So much is expressed in the giving of a heart; friendship, thanks, compassion, hope, acknowledgment and of course love.
The heart image is universally recognised and as such no words are needed to convey its feeling and intent.
We are all impacted at different stages in our lives by joy, excitement and celebration as well as loss, tragedy and loneliness. A heart can be given at any stage to mark an occasion, show you care or are thinking of someone.
A random act of kindness is the most special gift one can give another. The surprise, warmth and appreciation we receive in the giving of a heart is overwhelming.
We want everyone to experience this joy of giving and receiving through the simple symbol of a heart with all it coveys, with or without words.